AR Multiple Shipping Address window
Use this window to enter additional shipping addresses for the selected customer. When you enter sales for this customer in Order Entry, you can then quickly and easily specify which shipping address to use for each transaction.
Customer Number 
This is the customer number for this shipping address and is for reference only. If you want to enter a new shipping address for a different customer, select Cancel and select a different customer in the AR Customers window.
Customer Name 
This is the name of the customer for this shipping address and is for reference only.
Type a new company name or use the Lookup to select an existing company name. If you select an existing company name, the remaining fields in the window auto-fill with the contact information associated with that company name. You can edit this information if necessary.
Enter the name of the contact person for this shipping address.
Address 1 / Address 2 
These are the address lines for this shipping address.
City / State/Prov./ Zip/Postal / Country 
Complete these fields for this shipping address.
Phone Number / Extension / FAX  
This information is optional and can help you track a shipment in the event there is a problem.
Enter the customer's email address if applicable.
Use tax code below when this address is selected. 
If you enable this check box, you can assign a Tax Code to use by default when you include this shipping address in a sales transaction.
Tax Code 
This field is only available if you checked the Use tax code below when this address is selected. check box. Type in an existing Tax Code or use the Lookup to enter the Tax Code you want to use when you include this shipping address in a sales transaction.
When you enter a transaction in Order Entry, select the Ship To button, and select this shipping address, the Tax Code you assign to this shipping address becomes the default Tax Code for this transaction. You can overwrite this Code in the Header section of the Order Entry window.
If you enforce the use of AvaTax for automated sales tax calculation, this field is hidden.
Validate Shipping Address 
This button only appears if you are integrated to AvaTax. Click this button to validate the address through Avalara.
Published date: 11/22/2021