AR Print Edit Report window
When you finish entering transactions, print an edit report. This report allows you to verify the accuracy of your data entry before you post the transactions.
We strongly recommend that you print and check this report carefully. You can easily correct errors if you catch them before you post transactions. Once you post a transaction, the only way to correct an error is to post a correcting or reversing entry; see Handling Errors After Posting.
Report Type 
Select the report type, either Detailed or Summary. If you print without detail, your report shows the total number of transactions for each Transaction Code and the total dollars for each code.
If you print the report with detail, the report shows the following for each transaction:
Customer Number
Customer Name
Transaction Number
Transaction Description
Transaction Code
Transaction Date
Source Document
Transaction Amount
Starting Transaction / Ending Transaction 
To print the report for a single transaction, enter the number of that transaction in both the Starting Transaction and Ending Transaction boxes. To print for a range of transactions, enter the first transaction number of the range and the last transaction number of the range. To include all transactions in the batch, accept the default entries of Start and End.
Print account impact summary 
This check box is only available if Accounts Receivable is integrated to General Ledger. Select this check box if you want to print the GL Account Impact Summary Report after the Edit Report. The impact report shows you how unposted transactions will affect your ledger accounts after you post. The report only includes the transactions in this batch.
Published date: 11/22/2021