Edit Payers/Payees window
Use this window to set up payer/payee relationships for this customer. You can add payers to this customer or add this customer as a payee on other customers.
To break payer/payee relationships, the payer/payee must have a zero balance in this window. Highlight the payer/payee and hit the DELETE key.
This list shows the payers attached to this customer and the amount they owe. If a payer is overdue on a payment, the payer line will appear red.
This list shows any customers for which this customer is attached as a payer and the amount this customer owes.
Select Payer/Add 
Use the Lookup to select a payer to add or type the payer’s Customer Number in the field. If you type a payer in the field, select the Add button to add the payer to the customer.
Select Payee/Add 
Use the Lookup to select a payee to add or type the payee’s Customer Number in the field. If you type a payee in the field, select the Add button to add the this customer as a payee.
Published date: 11/22/2021