AR Customers window: Payers/Payees tab
If you have customers that have more than one person pay their bill or customers that pay multiple bills, you can set up the bill payers and payees on this tab.
If you tender a bill in Sales with an AR Charge for a customer that has payers listed here, you can choose which payer you want to charge the bill to.
All payers and payees must be set up as customers before you can add them on this tab. When you add a payer to a customer, the customer is automatically added as a payee of the payer. For example, if you add Customer A as a payer to Customer B, Customer B is then automatically added as a payee of Customer A.
This list shows the payers attached to this customer and the amount they owe. If a payer is overdue on a payment, the payer line will appear red.
This list shows any customers for which this customer is attached as a payer and the amount this customer owes.
Edit Payers/Payees 
Select this button to open the Edit Payers/Payees window in which you can attach payers and payees for this customer.
Published date: 11/22/2021