Using the Fiscal Calendar
The fiscal calendar is very important when you set up your organization. How you set up this information will affect how transactions post. Once you set the information in the Number of Periods and Fiscal Year Start boxes, you cannot change it. If you change the fiscal calendar after you post transactions, the date on the transactions will remain unchanged.
NOTE: It can be complicated and time consuming to change the fiscal calendar after you post information. We recommend you double-check your calendar settings and correct any errors before you post. Once you verify the accuracy of your entries, check the Balance Forward Entries Completed check box in the GL Module Preferences window, which will lock your fiscal calendar and enable you to post. If you do not have General Ledger installed, the fiscal calendar cannot be locked and can be changed at any time. If you need to change your fiscal calendar after you post, call Cougar Mountain Customer Support at (800) 390-7053. |
When you create a new organization, the
CMS Fiscal Calendar window automatically appears so you can specify the fiscal year for the new organization.
If you receive a message while you work in Denali that your system date must be within the fiscal calendar, you most likely need to
close the year in General Ledger. If General Ledger is not installed, you can roll the fiscal calendar forward in the Fiscal Calendar window.
Published date: 12/14/2021