ConversionGuide > Conversion to Denali > Before Converting to Denali > Ensure the Correct Version of CMS Professional is Installed
Ensure the Correct Version of CMS Professional is Installed
If you are a CMS Professional customer, you must be using the latest version before you can convert any data to Denali. If this is not the case, or for more information on the version requirement, contact your account representative at (800) 338-3038. If you have the latest version available installed on your system, continue with the other processes required before you start the conversion.
Keep in mind that if you have CMS Professional and Denali installed on separate systems, when you start the conversion process, the system on which Denali is installed will need access to the entire CMS Professional installation folder.
When you finish all of the recommended preparation processes, continue to Conversion Process.
Published date: 10/24/2019