How To Create GL Keys
Remember, IN Codes, AR Codes, and Sales Department Codes are also GL Keys. If you want to create more IN Code GL Keys, AR Code GL Keys, or Sales Department Code GL Keys, you will need to create additional codes.
The GL Cash Key is defined in Sales Module Preferences. Select Options > Set Up the Order Entry Preferences and select the Defaults tab. Enter a GL Cash Key in the GL Cash Key box.
To create a Non-Inventory, Discount, or Transaction Code GL Key:
1 Open the related code:
Sales Non-Inventory Codes
Sales Discount Codes
Accounts Receivable Transaction Codes
2 In the GL Key box enter the GL Key you want to use when that code is applied to a transaction.
One GL Key could apply to all codes or you could have a different GL Key to apply to each code depending on the needs of your business.
Published date: 09/30/2021