Importing and Exporting Budgets
If you have an external file that contains budget data you want to import or if you want to export your budget data to an external file, you can use the Import/Export tab in the GL Budget Management window. You must have user security rights to Manage Budgets/Expense Controls to import a budget, but any user with access to the Budget Management window can export a budget.
Click thumbnail to view larger image.
Before you import your budget data, we recommend you export a sample budget file to compare to the file you want to import. This way, you can ensure the file is in the proper format and all required fields have entries, which reduces the possibility of errors. See GL Budget Import Requirements for information about the required columns.
You can only import one year of budget data even if the import file has multiple years. You can only export years within the fiscal calendar even if you have more years in your budget.
You can only import or export XML or CSV file types.
Published date: 09/30/2021