Defining Security Options
We implemented several options that you can use to define security in Denali.
• global user and group rights for all modules
• specific clerk rights in Accounts Receivable
• specific buyer rights in Purchase Order
• specific salesperson rights in Sales
• global or individual user entry window layouts in Purchase Order and Sales
In the Controller module, you can set up individual users that will log into Denali and then assign them specific access rights to the system. You can also create
groups of users and assign rights to the group instead of individuals. For example, if you only want your managers to be able to run reports, you can set up a group for them and assign the right to print reports to the group. This way, only those individuals you want to have access to this type of information will have it.
You can set up
Clerk Codes in Accounts Receivable,
Buyer Codes in Purchase Order, and
Salesperson Codes in Sales that allow you to tailor your security even further. For example, with Salesperson Codes, you can determine which clerks can accept checks over a certain amount or void sales transactions.
Another way you can set up security in Denali is to customize the window layouts in Purchase Order and Sales. You can determine which fields the individual buyer/salesperson can edit or see in the entry window. This is another way to hide information that you do not want every user to see or have the ability to change. See
Customizing Entry Windows for more information on this level of customization.
Published date: 03/29/2021