Document Conventions
The following conventions are used throughout the documentation:
Titles, names, and anything in the software window will appear in bold, exactly as it appears.
Select Change Session Date from the Common Tasks menu.
Click the New button.
Enter a name in the Name box.
Italics are used for text that you should enter, or text that appears in a box or field within a window.
Enter Hardwood in the Description box.
The default for this field is IN Code.
Uppercase characters will be used to denote keyboard keys or hot key combinations. Some examples are:
To delete an item in the detail grid, select the item and press the DELETE key.
To open the Enter Transaction Comments window, press SHIFT+C.
This character is used to separate menus, submenus, and commands.
For example: Select Renumber / Merge Stock Items from the Inventory Items menu is written as: Select Inventory Items > Renumber / Merge Stock Items from the left navigation pane.
Published date: 03/29/2021