GettingStartedGuide > Getting Started > Getting Started: The Basics
Getting Started: The Basics
Denali is a powerful and flexible system designed to accommodate the accounting needs of your business. The first obstacle with any new software is learning how it’s organized and where you can find options and features.
Denali separates accounting areas into modules. These modules are like small programs. This design enables businesses to mix and match the modules according to their needs. You can control how much information a module shares with the other installed modules through your integration settings.
The information contained in the help is designed with the assumption that all modules are installed. Depending on what you purchased and installed, what you see in the software may be different from the information in the help. Contact your Cougar Mountain Account Executive at (800) 388-3038 or visit our website for information about purchasing additional modules or enhancements to get the most out of your software.
Published date: 03/29/2021