Tracking Custom Information
Setting up your system to track specific information about your customers, vendors, or inventory is a big benefit of Denali.This feature is referred to as user-defined fields (UDFs). For example, in Inventory, you can set up UDFs to track the exact storage location for each item. You might set up three UDFs similar to these: Bin, Row, Level. Then, when your employees add stock items to the system, they can also enter this information. Not only can this help streamline the process of stocking and pulling items in your warehouse, but you can also use the UDFs as a means by which to sort or filter several reports.
This is just one example of how UDFs can enhance Denali to help you with your business decisions or processes. UDFs are available in Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Inventory, Payroll, Purchase Order, and Sales. Refer to the custom tracking section of each user’s guide or task-based help for specifics on setting up UDFs in each module. Also, refer to Customizing Entry Windows on how you can include UDFs in your entry windows.
Published date: 03/29/2021