Installing the Demonstration Data
If you are new to Cougar Mountain products, we highly advise you install the demonstration organization database. You can use the demonstration organization to practice entering records and transactions so that you can familiarize yourself with the program. You can use it to train employees so that your actual organization data will be unaffected by errors. You can also set up this or another sample organization with the actual stock items and codes that you will use in your own organization to help determine the best setup before creating your own organization database. You can even copy these items and codes to your own organization so you don’t have to create them twice.
If you are upgrading from CMS Professional, you might want to install the demonstration organization to learn what is different in Denali before converting your existing organization data. Installing the demonstration database is optional.
Once the demonstration organization’s database is created, this window will close.
Published date: 10/12/2020