InventoryCS > Inventory > Reporting menu > IN On Order window
IN On Order window
The On Order Report includes those items that have quantities in the On Order box of the Inventory IN Stock window.
Process For All IN Codes / IN Code 
This check box allows you to include stock items with any Inventory Code on the report. If you leave this unselected, you must select an individual Inventory Code to include in the report. The default for this check box is checked.
Sort By / Additional Filter 
These drop-down lists allow you to sort the report or filter data using one of the predefined or user-defined fields, and to specify the range of values that you wish to include.
Start and End Ranges: Stock Number, Description, Product Type, Vendor, and Location 
The Start and End boxes allow you to define the range of items to include on the report. You can include a single item by entering the same value in both boxes. These default settings include all items that meet the remaining criteria set in the window. Type in the fields or use the Lookup to make your selections.
Print Last Cost 
This check box controls whether the last cost paid for each stock item will be printed on the report. The default for this check box is unchecked.
Print Quantity On Hand 
This check box controls whether the current quantity on hand of the selected stock items will be printed on the report. The default for this check box is unchecked.
Use a custom report 
This check box is only available if you defined a custom report for this window in Controller. Select this check box if you want to run a custom report instead of the default report. The drop-down is enabled after you select the check box and you can choose the custom report you want to run. 
Published date: 08/16/2021