InventoryGuide > Inventory > Establishing Prices for Your Stock Items > Overview of Stock Item Pricing Types
Overview of Stock Item Pricing Types
You can set the pricing type for a stock item as List, Margin, Markup, Level List, Level Margin, and Level Markup in the IN Stock window.
List: the selling price is the amount you enter in the field.
Markup: the selling price is calculated using the following formula: $Price = Cost x (1+Markup). This formula yields a price that is your specified percentage above cost.
Example: Markup Pricing
You buy a textbook for $100, select Markup as the pricing type, and choose 25% for the Markup amount.
When the sale is made, your selling price will be $100 plus the markup of 25% on your cost ($100) for a total price of $125.
Margin: the selling price is calculated using the following formula: $Price = Cost / (1-Margin). This formula yields a price of which your specified percentage is profit.
Example: Margin Pricing
You buy a textbook for $100, select Margin as the pricing type, and choose 25% for the Margin amount.
When the sale is made, your selling price will be $100 plus the margin of 25% (which is calculated on the selling price) for a total price of $133.33.
You can set up price breaks for List, Margin, and Markup pricing types.
Level pricing types are used only when you establish Price Level Codes. Price Level Codes allow you to set up different prices for groups of customers.
Published date: 12/21/2020