JobCostCS > Job Cost > Cost Activity menu > JC Reverse Cost Activity window > JC Reverse Activity window: Reversal Activity tab
JC Reverse Activity window: Reversal Activity tab
Use the fields on this tab to enter the activity you want to reverse.
Reversal Date 
Enter the date of the reversal transaction.
Transaction Number 
This field displays the transaction number in the batch and cannot be changed.
<Type> Code 
The label of this field is based on your selection from the Type drop-down. Use the Lookup to select the Code for which you want to reverse activity. If you select a Cost Code here, it will filter the Original Transaction Lookup to only include transactions for the Cost Code you select.
Original Transaction 
Use the Lookup to select the transaction you want to reverse. If you entered a phase or Cost Code, the Lookup is filtered to show only transactions for those selections.
Return to Inventory 
This check box only appears if you selected Material from the Type drop-down. Select this check box if you want to return the item to inventory stock.
If you want to reverse activity to Accounts Payable, leave this check box unchecked.
Reference Number 
Leave the default reference number or enter a reference number up to 20 characters you want to use for this transaction. This number must be unique.
Tran Description 
Enter a description of up to 50 characters for this transaction.
Units / Units Produced 
The label for this field changes to Units Produced if you selected Process from the Type drop-down. It autofills with the number of units on the original cost activity transaction. You can edit this field.
Cost Per Unit 
This field does not appear if you selected Process from the Type drop-down. It displays the original cost per unit. You cannot edit this field.
Labor Units 
This field only appears if you selected Process from the Type drop-down. It displays the labor units for the activity you are reversing. You cannot edit this field.
Labor Cost Per Unit 
This field only appears if you selected Process from the Type drop-down. It displays the original labor cost per unit. You cannot edit this field.
Equipment Units 
This field only appears if you selected Process from the Type drop-down. It displays the equipment units for the activity you are reversing. You cannot edit this field.
Equipment Cost Per Unit 
This field only appears if you selected Process from the Type drop-down. It displays the original equipment cost per unit. You cannot edit this field.
Activity Date 
This field displays the original activity date. You cannot edit this field.
Overhead Type 
This field only appears if you selected Process from the Type drop-down. This field displays the overhead type you selected when you set up the Process Cost Code. You cannot edit this field.
Employee Number 
This field only appears if you selected Process from the Type drop-down. This field displays the employee number you entered on the original cost activity transaction. You cannot edit this field.
Stock Number 
This field is only available if you selected Material from the Type drop-down and displays the stock number. You cannot edit this field.
<Type> Cost 
For Material, Subcontractor, and General Cost Codes, the label of this field is based on your selection from the Type drop-down. The Actual and Remaining fields show the amount of the reversal and the amount of WIP remaining on the Cost Code.
Labor Cost / Equipment Cost / Overhead Cost / Total Cost 
These fields only appear if you selected Process from the Type drop-down. The Actual fields show the amount of the reversal for each Cost type. The Remaining WIP displays the amount of WIP remaining on the Cost Code. The Total Cost is the sum of the Actual Cost fields.
Published date: 10/20/2020