JobCostGuide > Job Cost > Entering Job Cost Activity > Recording Cost Activity
Recording Cost Activity
As you complete phases and jobs, it’s important to track the actual cost for the Cost Codes included in them. When you post cost activity, Job Management updates so you can see your actual vs. estimated costs.
Cost activity is accrued in the WIP accounts you defined in Module Preferences until the job is complete. The job cost is expensed when you bill your customer. When you post, WIP is relieved based on quantity remaining.
Tips & Tricks: Quickly Entering Cost Activity
If you know the Cost Code for which you want to enter, reverse, or transfer cost activity, you can skip the steps of entering the job number and phase. Instead, select the Cost Code type from the Type drop-down. Then use the <Type> Code Lookup to select the Cost Code. The Lookup will not be filtered by phase or job, so be sure you select the correct Cost Code.
Published date: 03/27/2020