PayrollGuide > Payroll > Managing Employee Records > Integrating to ArcTime
Integrating to ArcTime
If you use ArcTime as your time tracking software, you need to integrate to it before you can export your employees or import timesheets. You will need your Administrator username and password.
To integrate to ArcTime:
1 In Payroll, select Employees > Set up ArcTime from the left navigation pane. The Set Up ArcTime window will open.
Click thumbnail for larger view of image.
2 Enter the username for the ArcTime administrator account. This is set up through the ArcTime app before Denali integration.
3 Enter the password.
4 Click the Test Connection button to make sure your connection is working.
5 Click OK to close the window.
You will now be able to export employee records to ArcTime.
Published date: 12/13/2021