Attaching Tax Codes
After you create Tax Codes in the PR Tax Codes window, you can use the Pay Rates/Taxes tab of the PR Employee Management window to attach them to specific employees.
To attach taxes to an employee record:
1 In Payroll, select Employees > Add / Change Employee Records from the left navigation pane. The Employee Management window will open.
2 If you are attaching a Code to an existing employee, in the Employee Number field, enter an employee or use the Lookup to select the employee you want to attach a code to and select the Edit button.
3 Select the Pay Rates/Taxes tab.
Click thumbnail for larger view of Business image.
Click thumbnail for larger view of Fund image.
4 In the Tax Information grid, enter an existing Tax Code or select a Code from the Lookup in the Tax Code column.
5 Add any exemptions or additions.
6 Click Save to save the employee record.
Published date: 12/13/2021