PurchaseOrderCS > Purchase Order > Miscellaneous > PO Enter Purchase Order Comments window
PO Enter Purchase Order Comments window
Use this window to enter or modify comments in the PO Enter Purchase Orders window. This is a one-time change and if you are editing a Comment Code, it will not change it in the system for future use.
In the text box, enter/modify the comment and then click OK to save it. If the system is set up to auto format comments, the system will adjust the comment to fit in the entry window lines. This includes word wrapping if necessary.
If the system is not set up to auto format the comments (see Module Preferences), then the comment is formatted exactly as you type it in this window and each line of type is limited to 50 characters. This means that as you type the comment, any line breaks, spaces, and so on appear exactly as you typed them. If you go over the 50 character maximum for a comment line, when you attempt to close the Editor window an error message appears indicating you need to correct your comment(s).
Published date: 03/16/2021