PurchaseOrderCS > Purchase Order > Options menu > PO Module Preferences window > PO Module Preferences window: User-Defined Fields tab
PO Module Preferences window: User-Defined Fields tab
Use the options on this tab to set up customized fields that will show in the PO Enter Purchase Orders window and/or PO Receive Items window depending on how you set up the screen layouts. User-defined fields (UDFs) are available to filter and sort some purchase order reports. Once you use a UDF and post the transaction, you can only delete the UDF after you purge any history that contains it.
The user-defined fields you establish in the Header grid are specific to the header section of the entering or receiving window. The UDFs you establish in the Detail grid are specific to the detail section of the entering or receiving window.
Double-click this field to open the Lookup from which you can select one of the UDFs you set up in the PO Add or Edit User-Defined Fields window. You can only select each UDF once in either grid in this window, but you can select as many UDFs as you want. Once you select a UDF, it is no longer available in the Lookup. The order you add UDFs to this grid is the order they appear on the menu.
This field is read-only and displays the type of UDF you selected.
This field is read-only and displays whether or not this UDF has a Lookup/Code. If this field displays Yes, then the UDF will be available as a Lookup in certain windows, or you can access the UDF by selecting Options > Set Up User-Defined Codes > <UDF Code> from the navigation pane.
This field is read-only and displays the maximum size of the UDF.
Add or Edit User-Defined Fields 
Select this button to open the PO Add or Edit User-Defined Fields window in which you set up and define the UDFs you want to select in this window.
Published date: 03/16/2021