Posting Transactions
After you print and check the Receiving or Purchasing (Fund product only) Reports and make any corrections, you are ready to post your transactions. Posting will update all integrated modules.
NOTE: We recommend you have all users exit modules that are affected by posting before you post. This can help prevent data corruption.
To post receiving transactions, select Post Receiving Transactions from the Workflow. If you are using multi-batch mode, select the batch that you want to post.
(Fund product only) To post entry transactions, select Post Purchasing Orders from the Workflow. This option is only available if you selected the Enable encumbering check box in Module Preferences. If you are using multi-batch mode, select the batch you want to post. If there are hold transactions in the batch, the batch won’t be deleted after you post.
Click thumbnail for larger view of image.
The posting process first validates all the entered information to ensure it meets the posting criteria. The information is written to the file, and then the Posting/Audit reports are printed. Examine these reports carefully before you continue. We highly recommend that you print these reports and keep them until you are sure that no errors will need to be manually corrected in any modules. If an error is found, a Posting Error Report is generated that tells you the transaction number and the problem.
Published date: 02/08/2021