Setting Up Purchase Order Landing
Tracking landing costs allows you to account for acquisition costs in the final cost of an item. Because each vendor might have a different charge for freight and tax, and offer a different discount, tracking landing might help you decide from which vendor to order items. On the General tab of the PO Module Preferences window, you can define your default landing options. You can also specify to what items landing costs apply, whether freight, tax, and discounts are included in landing costs, and what type of landing method to use.
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If your business process does not include tracking landing, select None from the Items to Land drop-down. You can also choose to land Inventory items or all items on your order. If you choose to land items, you can then select from the Landing Method drop-down list if you want the landing costs to be distributed evenly across all items that have landing applied, or only on items you manually select.
The selections you make in this window determine what options appear and how landing is handled in the entering and receiving windows. For example, in order for the Land Item check box to appear in the PO Enter Purchase Orders window, you must select Inventory or All Lines from the Items to Land drop-down list and choose Select Items to Land from the Landing Method drop-down.
Published date: 02/08/2021