SalesCS > Sales > Miscellaneous > Sales Edit Kits Item window
Sales Edit Kits Item window
Use this window to edit the items sold in the kit. You can either add or replace items in the kit. The kit change will be for this sale only; if you want to make this a permanent change, you need to modify the kit in Inventory.
You cannot edit kit items in a layaway sale.
Detail Type 
From the drop-down, you can choose an inventory or non-inventory item type.
This field displays the item stock number. You can use the Lookup to select a stock number or a non-inventory item. You cannot add a serialized or lot numbered item.
This is the description of the stock item; you can edit it.
This displays the quantity of the item in the kit; you can edit it.
Unit Cost 
If this is an inventory item, the field is blank and disabled. For non-inventory items, enter the unit cost of the item.
Control Account 
If this is an inventory item, the field is blank and disabled. For non-inventory items, enter the control account for the item.
Published date: 11/22/2021