SalesCS > Sales > Miscellaneous > Sales Transaction Closeout window > Sales Foreign Currency Tendered window
Sales Foreign Currency Tendered window
Use this window to specify the type(s) of foreign currency you will accept for sales transactions and to verify the exchange rate.
Total Due 
This label shows the total due for the current transaction in the native currency for this company. This is the transaction total less any amount already tendered.
Foreign Currency Type 
This is the Name and ISO Code for the currency type. These codes cannot be changed. Any foreign currencies that you are authorized to accept will be listed in this window.
Exchange Rate 
This is the exchange rate between the currency on this line and your native currency, as established during the system setup.
Amount Due 
This column shows the amount due in the currency type listed on a particular line. This amount will be a running total, and will decrease from top to bottom as the clerk enters currency amounts.
Amount Collected 
Enter the amount of each foreign currency type collected on the line corresponding to that currency type.
If you are entering a deposit on a Work Order transaction, these amounts are automatically converted to the default currency set by the System Administrator. The converted amounts are added together and the total displays as the amount that is tendered.
Balance/Change Due 
This label shows the balance remaining to be collected after collecting the foreign currency in this window. If the amount in this label is less than the amount in the Total Due label, the balance due will appear in green on a black background, and the title will be Balance.
If the amount in this label is greater than the amount in the Total Due label, the balance will appear in black on a green background, and the title will be Change Due.
Published date: 11/22/2021