SalesCS > Sales > Order Entry Tasks menu > Sales Order Entry window > Sales Order Entry window: Transaction Information
Sales Order Entry window: Transaction Information
This section of the Sales Order Entry window contains information about the transaction, such as the transaction type, whether it is recurring, and if so, how the recurring transaction will be handled.
Transaction Type 
This is the type of sales transaction you are working with now. Depending on your Module Preferences settings, you have different options. They are listed here alphabetically:
Hold: A Hold sale is not posted with the rest of the batch, but will be retained in a global Hold/Quote batch until it is either changed into a different type of transaction (i.e. Invoice or Work Order) to be processed or deleted. Items included in Hold invoices are committed from Inventory, which means that if someone looks to see how many of this item are available for sale, the quantity they see will be reduced by the number you have on hold. To activate or deactivate the ability to place transactions on hold, select the Allow Hold check box in the Sales Order Entry Preferences window on the General tab.
Invoice: An Invoice is a transaction that will be completed during this session. An Invoice can consist of inventory and/or non-inventory items, returns, and sales. It will be paid for using one of the authorized tendering methods, which could include charging the purchase to the customer’s in-house account. When the batch is posted, Invoices are posted, and all modules to which Sales is integrated are updated with the sale information.
Layaway: A layaway is a sale of merchandise that the customer is going to pay for over a specified period of time. In a layaway situation, the customer doesn’t take the merchandise home until the layaway is paid in full. When you begin a layaway transaction with a customer, the payment schedule for the merchandise is set up as a contract. When a new layaway transaction is entered, the quantity of the item committed is increased and the quantity of the item available is decreased. Once the transaction is tendered and saved, the quantity of the item committed is decreased and layaway is increased. There is no further change after posting. You can define the way in which you want layaways to work for your business by selecting Options > Set Up the Order Entry Preferences in the Sales module and checking the Allow Layaway check box. Then select Options > Set Up Layaway Preferences to define your layaway preferences, including the amount a customer must pay to begin a layaway transaction, and the amount and frequency of payments.
Quote: A Quote is typically used when a customer is considering making a purchase, but hasn’t made the final buying decision. Perhaps they called on the telephone and asked about the price of an item or service. By using a Quote transaction, you can set up the sale knowing that if they do decide to complete the purchase, the final result will be the same as they were told initially. Items included in Quote transactions are not committed from Inventory. When a batch is posted, any Quote transactions in the batch are held in a global batch and are not posted. A Quote will be posted to a separate batch. To activate or deactivate the ability to create Quote transactions, select the Allow Quote check box in the Sales Order Entry Preferences window on the General tab.
Void: Use this transaction type to delete a transaction that was previously saved.
Work Order: A Work Order is typically used when the customer is purchasing products or services that will take some time to complete. It is also used for situations where the customer will place a deposit or multiple deposits on the transaction before it is completed. Unlike Layaways, Work Orders typically don’t include payment schedule contracts. To activate or deactivate the ability to create Work Order transactions, select the Allow Work Order check box in the Sales Order Entry Preferences window on the General tab.
Set As Recurring 
This check box does not appear if you are in a recurring batch. Otherwise, it is only available if you selected Invoice or Work Order in the Trans. Type drop-down list. Select this check box to make this a recurring transaction. If you select this check box, the Frequency Code box will appear where you can define the recurring frequency.
Use Updated Info 
This check box is only available if you select the Set As Recurring check box. The default for the Use Updated Info check box is set in the Sales Order Entry Preferences window on the Defaults tab. If the Use Updated Info check box is activated, then updated pricing, taxes, and descriptions can be used when this transaction is generated. If the check box is unchecked, then the pricing, taxes, and descriptions will remain the same when the order is generated as they were when the template was last saved.
Frequency Code 
This field is only available if you select the Set As Recurring check box. Frequency Codes allow you to group together recurring transactions that will be generated together. When you generate recurring transactions, you can specify a single Frequency Code or a range of Frequency Codes to generate. Use the Lookup to select the Frequency Code you want to apply to this recurring transaction.
Begin Recurring On 
This field is only available if you select the Set As Recurring check box. Enter the date you want the recurring transaction for this customer to start. When you generate recurring transactions, an invoice for this will not be created before the date you enter here. The date you enter remains after you save the transaction so you can more quickly enter multiple recurring transactions with the same start date.
Published date: 11/22/2021