SalesCS > Sales > Order Entry Tasks menu > Sales Print Order Entry Shipping Labels window
Sales Print Order Entry Shipping Labels window
Use this option to create shipping labels for a specified range of orders prior to posting.
Order Type 
Select which order type(s) to include in the report, either Invoice, Hold, Work Order, Quote, or All:
Invoice (default): only Invoice type transactions will be printed.
On Hold: only transactions that have been flagged as On Hold will be included.
Quote: only transactions that have been flagged as Quotes will be included.
Work Order: only Work Orders will be included.
All: all transactions in the batch that meet the remaining criteria in the window will be included, regardless of the transaction type.
Lines Per Label 
Enter the number of lines to print per label. The minimum number of lines is six and the maximum is 66. Most printers print six lines per inch.
Left Margin 
Enter the number of characters to indent the entire label.
Number of Labels 
Enter the number of labels to print for each invoice.
Print Customer Number 
Select this check box to include the Customer Number on the labels.
Start and End Range: Batch Number and Customer Number 
The Start and End boxes allow you to define the range of items to include on the report. You can include a single item by entering the same value in both boxes. These default settings include all items that meet the remaining criteria set in the window. Type in the fields or use the Lookup to make your selections.
Published date: 11/22/2021