Hold or Quote Transactions
A hold transaction commits the inventory immediately just like an invoice. This means that any inventory items included in a hold transaction will be subtracted from the available quantity showing in Lookups. A hold is different from a layaway in that a hold is expected to be completed with one payment, whereas a layaway is set up on a payment schedule.
Quotes are only available in Order Entry and are records of what items and at what prices, quantity, and so on, could potentially be sold to the customer. A quote does not commit inventory. This means that if you save a stock item on a quote transaction, the available quantity of that stock item is not reduced. If another customer purchases all the quantity of an item on the shelf, there might not be sufficient quantities to fulfill the quote if the first customer decides to go ahead with the sale.
To enter a hold or quote transaction:
1 Select Hold or Quote from the Transaction Type drop-down list.
2 In the Customer field, type a customer name or select a customer from the Lookup.
3 In the Detail Information section, enter the items for the hold or quote.
4 Save the transaction.
Hold and quote transactions do not post with the rest of the batch, but remain in a global batch file until you retrieve them and change the transaction type to invoice or delete them. See Completing a Hold or Quote for information on how to retrieve a quote and change it to an invoice. To cancel a hold or quote transaction, see Canceling a Hold or Quote. To see how to purge all holds or quotes that you no longer need, see Sales Period End.
Published date: 11/22/2021