Purging Sales History
While it doesn’t directly affect the accuracy of your data, purging history can improve how your system functions by limiting the amount of information the system must sort, thereby speeding information retrieval. This means that when you regularly purge old, unneeded data from your system, your reports and Lookups can retrieve information quicker.
Purging the Sales history table removes unwanted transactions from the history file. Running this option purges all transactions that have a transaction date older than and including the purge date you specify. You are not required to purge sales history, but you might want to purge some transactions to reduce the amount of hard drive space occupied by the sales data tables.
CAUTION: Always back up your data files and print a History Report before you purge the history file.
To purge sales history in the Sales module, select Period End Tasks > Purge Sales History from the navigation pane.
Click thumbnail for larger view of image.
Enter the date through which you want to purge unwanted sales history information. Only history information that is prior to or including the date you enter will be purged.
Published date: 11/22/2021