SalesGuide > Sales > Entering Transactions as the Salesperson > Entering Information Using a Keyboard, Scanner, or Touch Screen
Entering Information Using a Keyboard, Scanner, or Touch Screen
The Sales Order Entry and Sales POS Register windows are where you enter transactions. You can customize these windows to fit your needs, including whether you enter items by scanner or keyboard as the default (see Customizing the Sales Entry Window).
You can use both the keyboard and scanner in either mode, the only difference is where the cursor moves after you enter the item to sell.
Keyboard Mode: In Keyboard Mode, the cursor moves to the Quantity field after you enter the item. This allows the clerk to type the quantity of the selected item.
Scanner Mode: In Scanner Mode, the autofill functionality is disabled. After you scan an item, the cursor assumes a quantity of 1 for each line item and moves to the next detail line. This mode allows for a more hands-free entry of detail items in the transaction.
In addition to the keyboard and scanner modes, there are numerous shortcut key combinations and access bars that can save you time as you enter transactions. See Sales Entry Shortcuts for a reference of all the available shortcut options.
If you set up your system to use touch screen inventory buttons, the buttons will appear at the bottom of the Register window.
Published date: 11/22/2021