SalesGuide > Sales > Setting Up the Sales Entry Windows > Troubleshooting: Setting Up the Sales Entry Windows
Troubleshooting: Setting Up the Sales Entry Windows
At times, problems or errors can occur that are simple to fix without contacting Customer Support. Here, we indicate some common problems and ways to correct them. If you do not find what you are looking for in this topic, refer to the help options in the Denali Help topic and/or check the Documentation section of our Customer Service Center before you contact Customer Support. If you would like to offer suggestions for additions to our Troubleshooting topic, please email us at
To Fix This:
Try This:
I set up a field to appear in the sales entry window for my clerks to enter information, but it is disabled.
In the Set Up Sales Entry Layout(s), open the layout you’re working with and make sure you selected the Allow Input check box for the field. If not, the field is visible, but read-only.
I set up stock item buttons for my touch screen monitor, but the button text is cut off.
In the Sales Set Up Inventory Item Buttons window, you can change the button text. Use the Lookup to find the button group you want to edit. Select the Edit button. In the Buttons list box, double-click the button name you want to change. In the Sales Item Button Properties window, you can change the button text.
Published date: 12/21/2020