Weighing a Stock Item at the Time of Sale
The instructions in this section cover using a weight scale to enter the weight of a stock item at the time of the sale. See Weight Scale Device for information on how to set up the weight scale device.
To enter the weight of a stock item during a sale:
1 In either of the sales entry windows, add the stock item to the transaction. Refer to Entering Sales Transactions for information about how to enter a sales transaction.
2 Place the stock item you want to weigh on the scale. If necessary, refer to the scale’s instructions for information on how to use the scale.
3 In the Qty field in the Sales POS Register window or the Quantity Ordered field in the Sales Order Entry window, press F8 to retrieve the weight of the item.
- or -
If you want to enter the item as a return, press F9 to enter the weight as a negative value.
The weight will automatically appear in the Qty (POS) or Quantity Ordered (OE) field.
NOTE: If the weight reading varies while you weigh an item, for instance because the item is unstable, you might see an error message that the weight scale is not responding. Click OK, stabilize the item, and then press F8 (sale) or F9 (return) to weigh the item again.
4 Complete the sales transaction. Refer to Tendering a Sale for information on how to tender a sale.
Published date: 11/22/2021