Which Fund Will Be Used on the Import?
During the import there are three possibilities for which fund will be saved with the journal entry transaction. The fund will either be from NeonCRM, an existing Denali fund, or the Denali Default fund. How the software determines which fund is used is explained below.
If the NeonCRM fund exactly matches the Denali fund, the Denali fund is used.
If the NeonCRM fund is blank, and you selected the Include donations with no NeonCRM fund check box in the Import Donations from NeonCRM window, the default fund is used.
If the NeonCRM fund is not recognized and you selected the Convert to the Default Fund check box in the Import Donations from NeonCRM window, the default fund is used.
If the NeonCRM fund is not recognized and you did not select the Convert to the Default Fund check box in the Import Donations from NeonCRM window, you will get an error.
Published date: 10/11/2021