UtilitiesGuide > Working with the Denali Utilities > Troubleshooting: Working with the Denali Utilities
Troubleshooting: Working with the Denali Utilities
At times, problems or errors can occur that are simple to fix without contacting Customer Support. Here, we indicate some common problems and ways to correct them. If you do not find what you are looking for in this topic, refer to the help options in the Denali Help topic and/or check the Documentation section of our Customer Service Center before you contact Customer Support. If you would like to offer suggestions for additions to our Troubleshooting topic, please email us at documentation@cougarmtn.com.
To Fix This:
Try This:
Why can’t I log on to the server?
Make sure your Primary Server Location settings are correct in the Client Utilities. See Primary Server Location for more information
Why am I getting a lock error and how can I correct it?
Record, primary, and module locks are safety features; they prevent two people from working with the same data at the same time. These locks timeout after three minutes, so most often you will not need to access the utilities to release a record lock. If, however, a situation arises that you need to manually release a record lock, select Table Lock Manager from the Client or Server Utilities. Be aware that releasing a record lock can cause a fatal error or the loss of data. See Copy Organization for more information.
Published date: 08/28/2020