AP Enter Bills Edit Report window
After you enter all of your bills, review the transactions to ensure their accuracy and make any necessary changes before you post. If you have any credit card transactions in the batch, this report includes the reference and date information.
Report Type 
Select the level of detail you want in the report.
Detailed (default): contains detailed information about each individual transaction.
Condensed: contains header (total) information about each individual transaction.
Summary: contains batch total information only, such as how many bills were entered and the total expenses.
Start and End Range: Transaction 
Select the transaction number range. Leave the defaults of Start and End to include all transactions in the batch.
Print account impact summary  
This check box is only available if Accounts Payable is integrated to General Ledger. Select this check box if you want to print the GL Account Impact Summary Report after the Edit Report. The impact report shows you how unposted transactions will affect your ledger accounts after you post. The report only takes into account the transactions in this batch.
Use a custom report 
This check box is only available if you defined a custom report for this window in Controller. Select this check box if you want to run a custom report instead of the default report. The drop-down is enabled after you select the check box and you can choose the custom report you want to run. 
Published date: 12/03/2021