BankReconciliationCS > Bank Reconciliation > Account Activity Tasks menu > BR Print Activity Edit Report window
BR Print Activity Edit Report window
Print this report to review bank activity and make changes before you post. This report details information you entered in the BR Enter Bank Activity or BR Void Activity windows.
Report Type 
From the drop-down, choose the type of report you want to print. You can choose from:
Detailed: shows all activity for the specified range; this is the default option.
Summary: only shows subtotals. When sorted by Bank Account, only the Bank Totals and Report Totals sections print. When sorted by Transaction, only the Report Totals section prints.
Condensed: this prints in the same format as the Detailed option, but only shows the transaction totals.
Sort By 
From the drop-down, choose by which field you want to sort the report. Your choices are Bank Account and Transaction.
Starting and Ending Ranges: Bank Account, Transaction # 
Use these ranges to specify for which accounts and transactions you want to review activity. Leave the defaults of Start and End to include all values for a particular range. You can also type the information or use the Lookup to enter the starting and/or ending value to include. The descriptions for the starting and ending bank accounts you choose appear under their respective starting and ending fields.
Include Transaction Types
Use the check boxes to choose which transaction types you want to appear on the report. The defaults for the check boxes are dependent on from where you open the report.
If you open the report from the BR Void Bank Activity window, only the Voids check box is selected.
If you open the report from the BR Enter Bank Activity window, all of the check boxes except Voids are selected.
If you open the report from the Print Edit Report option on the Enter Activity menu, all of the options are selected.
Select this check box if you want Check transaction types to appear on the report.
Select this check box if you want Deposit transaction types to appear on the report.
Select this check box if you want Deduction transaction types to appear on the report.
Select this check box if you want Addition transaction types to appear on the report.
Bank Charge 
Select this check box if you want Bank Charge transaction types to appear on the report.
Select this check box if you want Void transaction types to appear on the report.
Print account impact summary 
This check box is only available if Bank Reconciliation is integrated to General Ledger. Select this check box if you want to print the GL Account Impact Summary Report after the Edit Report. The impact report shows you how unposted transactions will affect your ledger accounts after you post. The report only takes into account the transactions in this batch.
Published date: 05/21/2021