JobCostCS > Job Cost > Cost Activity menu > JC Generate Purchase Orders window
JC Generate Purchase Orders window
Use this window to generate purchase orders for the Cost Codes in your jobs. A purchase order is generated for each vendor you include.
You will be prompted to log in with a Purchase Order Buyer Code before you access this window.
Open Job Management 
Select this button to open the Job Management window. From there, you can create Cost Codes on-the-fly for any Codes that don’t exist but you want to include in your purchase orders.
Date Range 
Use this drop-down to select a predefined time period in which to generate purchase orders.
Required Date 
Type the dates or use the drop-down to select the starting and ending dates to generate purchase orders.
Start and End: Job Number, Phase, Cost Code, Vendor Number 
The Start and End boxes allow you to define the range of items to include in the orders. You can include a single item by entering the same value in both boxes. The default for the Start boxes is Start, and the default for the End boxes is End. These default settings include all items that meet the remaining criteria set in the window. Type in the fields or use the Lookup to select your criteria.
Generate only inventory items 
This check box is only available if Job Cost in integrated to Inventory. Select this check box if you only want to generate purchase orders that include stock items.
Inventory Filter
Use this section of the window to select the vendor you want to order from and define criteria for the quantity to order.
Vendor to Use 
From the drop-down, select how you want the system to choose which vendor to use. Other then From Cost Code, the vendor choices are based on the vendors on the Vendor tab in the IN Stock window.
From Cost Code: Select this option if you want to use the vendor on the Cost Code.
Primary: Select this option if you want to use the primary vendor on your stock item.
Best cost: Select this option if you want to use the vendor that offers the best cost.
Last ordered: Select this option if you want to use the vendor you last ordered from.
Shortest lead: Select this option if you want to use the vendor with the shortest lead time.
Ignore stock quantity available 
Select this check box if you want to order the quantity on the Cost Code regardless of the quantity you have in Inventory.
Subtract On Order items from quantity 
Select this check box if you want to decrease the order quantity by the amount already on order.
Purchase Order Setting
Use this section of the window to define information for the purchase orders.
PO Date 
Enter the date of the order.
Expected Date 
Enter the date you expect the order to arrive.
Starting PO# 
This field is disabled if you use online numbering in Purchase Order. Enter the starting purchase order number or use the Lookup to select a pre-issued number.
Click this button to open the JC Generate Purchase Orders - Review and Select Items window.
Published date: 10/20/2020