JobCostCS > Job Cost > Options menu > JC Phase Template window > JC Phase Template window: Detail tab
JC Phase Template window: Detail tab
Use this tab to add Cost Code Templates to the Phase Template. You can change the description, estimated quantity, cost per unit, budget, and price estimate for each Cost Code Template to fit the needs of this Phase Template.
If you want to permanently save these changes to the Cost Code Template, you can double-click the Code name to open the Code Template window and select the Update template check box before you click OK.
To delete a row in the Detail grid, right-click at the beginning of a row and select Delete Row.
Use this drop-down to select a Material, Subcontractor, General, or Process Code Template to add to the Phase Template.
Select an existing Cost Code Template from the Lookup. If the Cost Code Template doesn’t exist, you can add it on the fly.
If you want to remove a Cost Code from the Phase Template, you have to delete the detail line.
This field auto-fills with the description for the Cost Code Template you selected in the Code field, but you can change it.
Estimated Qty 
This field auto-fills with the quantity on the Cost Code Template you selected in the Code field. Unless this is a Process Cost Code, you can change it.
Cost Per Unit 
This field auto-fills with the cost per unit on the Cost Code Template you selected in the Code field. Unless this is a Process Cost Code, you can change it.
Cost Estimate 
This field is read-only and displays the cost estimate of the Cost Code Template you selected. This is determined by multiplying the quantity and cost per unit for the Code.
This field auto-fills with the budget on the Cost Code Template you selected in the Code field, but you can change it.
Price Estimate 
This field auto-fills with the price estimate on the Cost Code Template you selected in the Code field, but you can change it.
Published date: 10/20/2020