JobCostGuide > Job Cost > Setting Up the Job Cost Module > Working with Phase Templates
Working with Phase Templates
Phase Templates allow you to set up templates for phases of your job. You add Cost Code Templates to your Phase Templates to include all the costs included for a phase of the job. For example, you might have a Phase Template for a building’s foundation. You could include Material Code Templates for cement and brackets and a Subcontractor Code Template for a cement company.
You can create Phase Templates on-the-fly when you create jobs.
To set up a Phase Template:
1 In Job Cost, select Options > Set Up Phase Templates from the left navigation pane. The JC Phase Template window will open.
Click thumbnail to view larger image.
2 In the Phase Template field, enter a Code name up to 20 characters for this Template.
3 Enter a description for this Phase Template.
4 In the Units Produced field, enter the number of units this Phase Template produces. For example, enter 1 for 1 foundation or 3 if you build 3 foundations at once.
5 In the Price Per Unit field, enter the price per unit for this Phase Template.
6 In the Detail grid, use the Type drop-down to select the type of Cost Code Template you want to add to this Phase Template.
7 In the Code field, enter a Cost Code Template or use the Lookup to select the Cost Code Template you want to include.
If the Cost Code doesn’t exist, you can enter it on-the-fly.
8 The Estimated Quantity, Cost Per Unit, Budget, and Price Estimate fields auto-fill with information from the Cost Code Template you added, but you can change them to meet the needs of the phase.
9 Continue to add as many Cost Code Templates to the grid as you need for this Phase Template and select Save.
The Total Price is read-only and is the product of units produced * price per unit for the Cost Code Templates you include. The Budget, Cost Estimate, and Price Estimate fields in the window header are read-only and display the totals from the Detail grid for all Cost Code Templates you include.
If you want to save the changes you make in the Phase detail grid to the Cost Code, you can double-click the Code name and click the Update Template button in the Cost Code Template window that appears.
After your Phase Templates are included in a job, you can change the details of the Template to meet the needs of the job.
Published date: 03/27/2020