General Codes
Set up General Cost Code Templates for anything you want to include in your jobs, but is not a material, subcontractor, or process. An example could be gas or meals. Usually, Cost Codes are added to Phase Templates and then to jobs, but you can also add them directly to jobs.
To set up a General Cost Code Template:
1 In Job Cost, select Options > Set Up Cost Code Templates > General from the left navigation pane. The JC General Cost Codes Template window will open.
Click thumbnail to view larger image.
2 In the Code field, enter a Code name up to 20 characters for this Template.
3 Enter a description for this Code.
4 Type the vendor for this Template or, if you’re integrated to Accounts Payable, use the Lookup to select one. You can leave this field blank.
5 Enter the number of units, cost, budget, and price estimates for this Code Template.
6 Enter the scheduling information for this Code Template.
7 Save the General Cost Code Template.
Published date: 03/27/2020