Material Codes
Set up Material Cost Code Templates for the materials you use on your jobs. Usually Cost Codes are added to Phase Templates and then to jobs, but you can also add them directly to jobs. You can define how much of the material you will need, as well as the estimated cost and price.
To set up a Material Cost Code Template:
1 In Job Cost, select Options > Set Up Cost Code Templates > Material from the left navigation pane. The JC Material Cost Codes Template will open.
Click thumbnail to view larger image.
2 In the Code field, enter a Code name up to 20 characters for this template.
3 If you are integrated to Inventory, enter a stock item or use the Lookup to select a stock item in the Stock Number field to attach to this Cost Code Template.
4 If you are integrated to Inventory, the item description will auto-fill. You can edit this field.
5 Type the vendor for this template or, if you’re integrated to Accounts Payable, use the Lookup to select one. You can leave this field blank.
6 Enter the number of units, cost, budget, and price estimates for this Code Template.
7 Enter the scheduling information for this Code Template.
8 Save the Material Cost Code Template.
Published date: 03/27/2020