PurchaseOrderCS > Purchase Order > Purchasing Tasks menu > PO Send Internal Control Alerts window (Requisitions)
PO Send Internal Control Alerts window (Requisitions)
Use this window to send an internal control alert to the email address listed in the Recipients list box that requisitions are ready to be approved. The alert emails will be sent from the address set up in Controller.
These are the email addresses the alert will be sent to. The list is generated from the email addresses attached to the Buyer Codes for the approvers on the requisitions of the buyer who’s logged in. You cannot edit this list.
This is the subject of the email alert that will be sent. You cannot edit it.
The text you enter in this field will be the body text of the email alert.
Click this button to send the email alert to the addresses in the Recipient box.
Published date: 03/16/2021