PurchaseOrderCS > Purchase Order > Options menu > PO Set Up Purchasing / Receiving Layout window > PO Set Up Purchasing / Receiving Layout window: Detail tab
PO Set Up Purchasing / Receiving Layout window: Detail tab
Use this tab to define fields that appear in the Detail Information section of the entry/receiving windows. These fields apply to the individual items in the transaction and appear in the middle portion of the PO Enter Purchase Orders, PO Set Up Recurring Purchase Orders, or PO Receive Items window.
Available fields
The available fields vary depending on the type of layout you are defining (purchasing or receiving). Select a field in this section (e.g., Vendor Contact) and then click the Add > button to include it in the window layout. When you highlight a field, an explanation appears in the Field Description area that helps you to decide if you want to include it or not. If a field has an asterisk (*), it must be included in the layout.
Purchasing Fields 
These fields are only available for the PO Enter Purchase Orders and PO Set Up Recurring Purchase Orders windows.
Stock Number / GL Account / Comment Code: This field label changes depending on the line type selected and is used to enter either the stock number, general ledger account, or Comment Code. You must include this field in the layout and it is always the first column in the grid.
Quantity: Use this field to enter the quantity you want to order. You must include this field in the layout.
Apply Freight: Use this field to determine if the item is included when distributing freight costs as part of your landing process.
Cost Code (Accounting product only): This field is only available if Purchase Order is integrated to Job Cost. This field displays the Cost Code for the purchase order. You cannot edit this field.
Cost Center: This field is only available if you have a Cost Center license. Use this field to enter the Cost Center for direct expense detail lines.
Description: Use this field to enter a meaningful description for the line item. If you use stock item variants, this field is required and you must allow input in it. When you select a stock item that has variants, you will need to choose the variant you want to purchase from this field.
Discount: Use this field to determine if the item is included when calculating a discount.
Encumbrance (Fund product only): Use this field to determine the encumbrance account for the line item.
Expected Date: Use this field to enter the date you expect to receive the items included in the purchase order.
Extended: This field shows the cost derived from multiplying the unit cost by the quantity.
Job (Accounting product only): This field is only available Purchase Order is integrated to Job Cost. This field displays the job for the purchase order. You cannot edit this field.
Land Item: Use this field to determine if this item will be landed when received; it is only available if the Landing Method in Module Preferences is set to Select Line Items to Land.
Last Cost: This field shows the unit cost of the item the last time it was purchased from the selected vendor.
Location: This field shows the location added to the selected stock item. You can only include this field if Multi-Location Inventory is installed.
Ordered Date: Use this field to enter the date of the original purchase order.
Phase (Accounting product only): This field is only available if Purchase Order is integrated to Job Cost. This field displays the phase for the purchase order. You cannot edit this field.
References: Use this field to enter additional information for the line item; you can select to show this on the printed purchase order.
Sales Invoice Number: This field displays the invoice number from the original sale where the purchase order was generated.
Taxable: Use this field to determine if the item is included in calculating tax for the purchase order.
Unit Cost: Use this field to show either the unit cost of the item that is reflected in Inventory or the cost of this item the last time you purchased it from the selected vendor.
User-Defined Field(s) and Description: These fields and their descriptions are used to track custom information and are only available if previously set up in Module Preferences.
Vendor Stock #: Use this field to show the vendor stock number attached to the stock item.
Receiving Fields 
These fields are only available for the PO Receive Items window. Depending on your Module Preference settings, some of these fields are unavailable in the receiving window, even if you elect to include them in the layout.
Stock #/Acct: This field shows the stock item number or general ledger account number depending on the line item type. This field is always visible in the receiving window and is always the first column in the grid.
Quantity Received/Returned: Use this field only with Receive and Invoice or Receive Only transactions to enter the quantity of the item you are receiving or returning.
Quantity to Invoice: Use this field only with Receive and Invoice or Invoice Only transactions to enter the quantity you want to invoice for this line item.
1099 Type: Use this drop-down list to select the 1099 type for this vendor.
Actual Cost: Use this field only with Receive and Invoice or Invoice Only transactions to show the unit cost as entered in the PO Enter Purchase Orders window.
Completed: This check box is used to complete the receiving/invoicing for the line item.
Cost Code (Accounting product only): This field is only available if Job Cost is installed. This field displays the Cost Code for the purchase order. You cannot edit this field.
Cost Center: This field is only available if you have a Cost Center license. It shows the Cost Center for direct expense detail lines.
Description: This field shows the description of the line item as entered in the PO Enter Purchase Orders window.
Estimated Actual Cost: Use this field only with Receive Only transactions to show the estimated unit cost as entered in the PO Enter Purchase Orders window.
Extended Invoice: Use this field only with Receive and Invoice or Invoice Only transactions to show the extended invoiced cost of the item.
Extended Receive: This field is only available for Receive and Invoice or Receive Only transactions and shows the extended received cost of the item.
Inv. Ext. Discount: This field shows the extended discount invoiced.
Inv. Ext. Freight: Use this field to show the amount of freight that will be invoiced for the line item.
Inv. Ext. Tax: This field shows the amount of tax that will be invoiced for the line item.
Inv. Unit Discount: This field shows the discount invoiced per unit.
Inv. Unit Freight: This field shows the invoiced freight amount per unit.
Inv. Unit Tax: This field shows the invoiced tax per unit.
Job (Accounting product only): This field is only available if Job Cost is installed. This field displays the job for the purchase order. You cannot edit this field.
Land Ext. Discount: This field shows the extended discount landed.
Land Ext. Freight: This field shows the amount of freight that will be landed for the line item.
Land Ext. Tax: This field shows the amount of tax that will be landed for the line item.
Land Item: This check box is used to land the item.
Land Unit Discount: This field to show the landed purchase discount per unit for the line item.
Land Unit Freight: This field shows the landed freight amount per unit.
Land Unit Tax: This field shows the landed tax per unit for the line item.
Landed Ext. Cost: This field is only available for Receive and Invoice or Receive Only transactions and is shows the total extended cost of the line item including landing.
Landed Unit Cost: This field shows the unit cost of the line item with all of the landing amounts included.
Location: This field is only available to include if Multi-Location Inventory is installed. It shows the location of the line item as entered in the PO Enter Purchase Orders window. If included in the layout, it is always the second column in the grid.
Phase (Accounting product only): This field is only available if Job Cost is installed. This field displays the phase for the purchase order. You cannot edit this field.
Quantity Remaining: Use this field only with Receive and Invoice or Receive Only transactions. It reflects the quantity not yet received.
Received and Not Invoiced: Use this field only with Receive and Invoice or Invoice Only transactions to show the quantity of the item that has been received, but not yet invoiced.
Sales Invoice Number: This field displays the invoice number from the original sale where the purchase order was generated.
User-Defined Field(s) and Description: These fields and their descriptions are used to track custom information and are only available if previously set up in Module Preferences.
Vendor Stock #: Use this field to show the vendor stock number attached to the stock item.
Add > 
Highlight an available field and click this button to add it to the Show these fields in this order list box.
< Remove 
Highlight an added field and click this button to remove it from the Show these fields in this order list box.
Show these fields in this order
Use this list box to set the order you want the fields to appear in the Detail Information section for this layout.
Move Up 
Highlight an added field and click this button to move it up in the list order in the Show these fields in this order list box.
Move Down 
Highlight an added field and click this button to move it down in the list order in the Show these fields in this order list box.
Field Description
When you highlight a field in the available list box, a brief description of the field appears in this area of the window.
Field Display Information
The options in this section of the window are disabled until you select an Available field and add it to the Show list box.
Field Name 
This label shows the name of the selected field and cannot be changed.
If you are setting up a purchasing layout and choose to include the Stock Number/GL Acct/Comment field, the Field Name label changes to a drop-down list from which you can select each option to edit independently. In other words, you can define three separate settings for how this one field will show in the layout.
Allow input 
Select this check box to allow this field to be edited in the entry/receiving window provided other settings and security rights allow it.
Skip this column 
Select this check box to bypass this field when you tab through the entry/receiving window.
Text for heading 
The heading you enter here is what your buyers will see in the entry/receiving window. It might be helpful to change the headings to match preprinted forms. Enter a heading name for this field of up to 30 characters.
Column width 
Enter the width you want this field to be. You can set this width between 0 and 99 characters. As you determine the width you need for each column remember to also consider the width you need for the heading.
For example, if you have the heading Item Description, you should set the column width to a minimum of 15 so that the heading is not cut off. If you want extra space on either side of the heading, you could increase the width to 19. If the total-column width exceeds the entry/receiving window width, a horizontal scroll bar will appear.
Published date: 03/16/2021