Sales POS Quick Access Bar: Options
Select Options from the Quick Access Bar to access a slide-out menu that contains frequently-used tasks to make them easier and quicker to access. For example, you can apply a discount to the current transaction or make a customer payment.
The options will only be active if the salesperson logged in has rights to that task, as defined by their Salesperson Code.
Discount Invoice Total 
Select this button to apply a discount to the entire current transaction. The discount will be calculated on the total of the items on the invoice at the time the discount is selected. If additional items are added to the invoice after the discount is calculated, they will not be discounted unless you select the Discount Since Last option.
When you apply a discount to the invoice total, the Sales Discount Invoice Total window appears and prompts you for a Non-Inventory Discount Code and value. This code determines the General Ledger account that will be affected by the discount.
Discount Since Last 
The Discount Since Last will be calculated on only those items on the invoice that have been added since the last discount was applied to the invoice. The Sales Discount Since Last window appears and prompts you for a Non-Inventory Discount Code and value.
Like the Invoice Total discount, the Non-Inventory Discount Code determines the General Ledger account that will be affected by the discount. Enter the value as a decimal amount.
Discount Line Item 
Select this button to apply a discount to the current line item of the transaction.
Paid Out 
Use this option when you need to use money from the till for miscellaneous purchases. If you select this option, the default Non-Inventory Code that will be used for the transaction will be that which you specified on the Defaults tab of the Sales Point of Sale Preferences window unless you specify a different one when you enter the transaction.
Void Transaction 
Select this button to change the type of the current transaction to Void. This is only active if a saved transaction has been retrieved.
Save Without Printing  
Select this button to save the current transaction without printing an invoice. This might be helpful if you needed to make a minor correction in the transaction, and the customer doesn’t need a copy.
Print Any Sale 
Select this button to open a window that shows all the open transactions in this register. You can then select the transaction you want to print from the window.
Open Drawer 
Select this button to open the register drawer without entering a sale transaction.
Create POs 
This option is only available if you selected the Allow Create POs check box in Module Preferences and you do not pre-issue purchase order numbers or encumber (Fund only) in Purchase Order. Click this button to open the Sales Create POs window where you can create a purchase order based on the items in the current entry window.
Published date: 11/22/2021