SalesCS > Sales > Hardware and Formats > Sales Register Codes window > Sales Register Codes window: Receipt tab
Sales Register Codes window: Receipt tab
Use the Receipt tab to define receipt format and printer options. For each tender type in the Tender column, enter the Receipt format to use in the Format column, the printer to use in the Printer column, and the number of copies to print in the No. of Copies column.
These are the different tender methods that your business might accept.
Cash / Check: these are sales that use or include cash and/or checks as tender.
CC Primary: this is the primary format and printer that will be used for credit card sales. This format and printer will be used for credit card sales unless the clerk selects Tools > Alternate Printer, uses the Quick Access Bar to select Options > Alternate Printer, or uses the CTRL+A hot key combination to open the Sales Alternate Printer window.
CC Alternate: this is the alternate format to be used for printing credit card transactions. If anything other than None is selected for this line, then both the CC Primary and CC Alternate formats will print when a transaction is completed.
Charge Primary: this is the primary format to be used for printing charge transactions. This format and printer will be used for credit card sales unless the clerk selects Tools > Alternate Printer, uses the Quick Access Bar to select Options > Alternate Printer, or uses the CTRL+A hot key combination.
Charge Alternate: this is the alternate format to be used for printing charge transactions. If anything other than None is selected for this line, then both the Charge Primary and Charge Alternate formats will print when a transaction is completed.
Select the format to use from the Lookup. For more information on receipt formats, see the Sales Format Codes window. The default options available are:
POS000: Point of Sale Plain Paper Invoice
POS001: Point of Sale Short Invoice Format
POS002: Point of Sale Long Invoice Format
POS003: Point of Sale Laser Invoice Format
From the Lookup, select the printer to use for this tender type.
No. of Copies 
Enter the number of copies of the receipt to print for this tender type.
Published date: 11/22/2021