AP Post Bills window
After you enter bills and review the edit report, you are ready to post. Your printer must be connected, turned on, and ready to print before you can post.
You can refer to the status bar in the window to see the progress of the posting process.
During the final phase of the posting process, the AP Posting Audit Report Print options window appears. You can select the number of copies and destination for the posting audit reports from this window. These reports show the entries to each table and account. If there are errors in the batch you must resolve before you can post, this window produces an error report that you can reference to correct errors for the batch.
After you post the bills, they will be available in the AP Adjust/Pay Bills window and the information will be shared with other areas of Accounts Payable, General Ledger and Inventory, depending on the types of bills you entered and your integration settings. The system automatically clears the bills and deletes the batch when posting is complete.
Published date: 12/03/2021