AP Set Up Recurring Bills window: Detail Tab
Enter line item information in the detail grid. Each line is used for a different type of charge. All of the charges together are included on this invoice.
Detail Tab Detail Grid
Some of the columns will change depending on the line type.
Line Type 
Enter the line type for this detail line by selecting a field in this column and choosing a type from the drop-down menu.
Direct: a direct or "regular" expense is expensed at the time of invoicing. An example would be office supplies. The specified expense account is defined and the GL accounts payable account (AP Liability account in the AP Code) is credited when the invoice is posted.
Prepaid: a prepaid expense is recorded now but not expensed until a future date. An example would be annual insurance premium. The premium is due and payable in advance and usually covers a period of several months. On this line, enter a GL Expense account that will be debited when this invoice is expensed. Specify a prepaid expense asset account number, which will be debited when this invoice is posted. In the Exp/Pay Date field, enter the day you expect to expense the transaction. For cash basis companies, enter 0, which will expense the item when it is paid.
Future: in accrual basis companies, this line type is used to show a liability that is foreseeable, but at this time is neither payable nor expendable. In cash basis companies, this line type is used to record bills that will be paid at a later date. This payable will be credited to the AP account and debited to the GL undistributed account from your AP Code.
Inventory: Inventory line types are only available if you are integrated to Inventory. Use this line type to record expenses for the purchase of inventory.
As you enter information on your inventory line item, you'll notice that the cost per unit is automatically populated based on your stock item information (but you can change it) and the GL account fields are unavailable. The GL account information is obtained from the Inventory Code and the inventory item itself.
Landing: Landing line types are only available if you are integrated to Inventory. Landing costs are those that, aside from the purchase cost, you incur when you acquire inventory or fixed assets. Landing costs include such things as freight or excise taxes.
These costs should be entered as a landing type only if you want to add the costs to the purchase cost of the inventory. If you want to expense the costs directly to an expense account such as freight expense, put them in as a direct line type.
Allocation: Allocation line types are used to distribute an expense across several different accounts. If you select this line type, you can then select the Allocation Code to use.
Allocation Adjustment: there may be occasions when you want to be able to quickly and easily reverse the entries from an allocation, such as if you are using the allocations for accruals. Use the Alloc. Adj. line type and select the Allocation Code to reverse an allocation.
Description / Stock Number / Allocation Code 
For Direct, Prepaid, Future, and Landing line types, this column heading is Description, and it is an optional field you can use to further describe the details of this line item.
For Inventory line types, this column is Stock Number and is required. You can type the number, scan it, or use the Lookup to enter the stock number you are referencing.
For Allocation and Alloc. Adj. line types, this column is Allocation Code and is required. Type the Code or use the Lookup to enter the Allocation Code you are entering for posting or reversing.
You can enter a quantity for all line types but Allocation and Alloc. Adj. To enter a reversal, or a return of a line item, you can enter a negative number by using the minus ( - ) sign before typing the quantity.
For Allocation and Alloc. Adj. line types, this column is disabled because the quantities are determined on the detail lines of the Allocation Code.
Cost Per Unit 
Enter the cost per unit for any line types but Inventory.
For Inventory line items, it will default to the last cost as specified in the IN Stock window. This can be edited if necessary.
The value in this field is calculated automatically based on the quantity and cost per unit that you entered for this line. This field cannot be edited.
1099 Type 
If this is a vendor for whom you indicated you would need to track form 1099 information, you can specify the 1099 payment type for each detail line. The entry in this column will default to that which you selected in the AP Vendors window 1099 tab for the selected vendor, but you can change it if necessary. You can have different 1099 types and non-1099 line types on the same invoice.
This field changes depending on which discount option you selected and which line type you selected. The Discount field is not available for Allocation and Alloc. Adj. line types; you can enter any discount for these in the individual detail lines of the Allocation Code.
If you selected Dollar in the Disc Type option buttons and you left the Disc. Amount box blank, you can enter individual dollar amounts for each line in the Discount field. If you entered an amount in the Disc. Amount box, this field is hidden and the system will calculate the discount dollar amount off of the total for this bill.
If you selected Percent in the Disc Type option buttons, you must also enter a percentage in the Disc Amount box in order to make the Discount field appear. You can then check the box in the Discount field to indicate on which items you want to apply this percentage discount.
GL Expense Account / GL Inventory Account 
You can select a GL account for this line based on the line type that you select.
For Direct Expense, Prepaid, and Future line types, this column is named GL Expense Account. Enter an expense account by typing or using the Lookup to select the account.
For Inventory line types, this column is labeled GL Inventory Account and is disabled. For Landing, Allocation, and Alloc. Adj. line types, this field is labeled GL Expense Account and is disabled.
GL Prepaid Account 
This column is only active for Prepaid line types. For Prepaid line types, enter the asset account to which to post the prepaid invoice.
Exp / Pay Date 
This column is only active for Prepaid and Future line types. For these line types, enter the date on which you want the line item to be expensed (for Prepaid line items) or paid (for Future line items).
Serial Number 
This field is only available if you selected the Inventory line type.
If you are using a serialized system for the stock item you selected in the Stock Number column, enter the serial number of the stock item. You will need to enter a separate line item for each individual item of the quantity.
Lot Number 
This column is only available if you selected the Inventory line type and a lot numbered stock item.
Enter a new lot number for the stock item or select an existing lot number from the Lookup. You must enter a separate detail line for stock items with different lot numbers.
Lot Expiration 
This column is only available if you selected the Inventory line type and a lot numbered stock item. Enter a lot number expiration date.
Clear Grid 
Select this button only if you want to clear the entire detail grid for some reason, such as to make multiple changes that are easier to reenter instead of correcting each individual line.
Line# / Desc 
This box, located at the bottom of the tab, is for reference only. It indicates the line number (in the detail grid) and the description from the Description column.
For Inventory line types, the description is the description of the selected stock item as defined in the IN Stock window.
For Allocation and Alloc. Adj. line types, the description comes from the Allocation Code.
Invoice Total 
The Invoice Total box, located at the bottom right of the tab, is calculated by the system and is for reference only. You can use it to check that your detail total matches with the invoice you are entering.
Published date: 12/03/2021