AR Customer Master window
Print this report for customer records for sales staff or for archival information. The information in this report is the same as the information you enter in the customer's master file.
Sort By 
Select from the following options to sort customers and determine what information will appear on the report.
Customer Number
Customer Type
Customer Name
Salesperson Code
Biller Code
Billing Zip Code
Created Date
User-Defined Fields (if defined)
AR Code 
Accept the default ALL to include all AR Codes on the report or enter a specific AR Code to include only customers with the specified code.
Use the drop-down to select a User-Defined Field or Created Date to use as a filter for the report. User-defined fields are set up in the AR Module Preferences window. If you do not want to use this feature, leave the default of <None>. The UDF you select in this drop-down will appear as a filter in this window.
Customer / Name / Type / UDF 
Enter a starting and ending value in the Customer, Name, Type, and/or User-Defined Field (if defined) boxes to further define the information that will appear on the report. Only items within the range or ranges selected will appear on the report. Keep the defaults of Start and End to select all items that meet the remaining criteria in the window.
Print User-Defined Fields 
Select this check box to include all User-Defined Field information that you set up in the AR Module Preferences window. If you do not want to include any User-Defined Fields, leave this box unchecked.
Print Attached File List 
Select this check box to include a list of files attached to this customer’s record.
Print Notes 
Select this check box if you want to print customer notes on the report. The notes will print at the end of each customer section.
Published date: 11/22/2021