AccountsReceivableCS > Accounts Receivable > Reporting menu > AR Dated Invoice/Payment Report window
AR Dated Invoice/Payment Report window
The Dated Invoice/Payment Report determines the total amount due in Accounts Receivable at a specific time for a specified range of customers.
Report Type 
Select a report type from this drop-down. Your options are:
Detail: This prints the activity detail for each customer.
Summary: This prints the totals for each AR Code in each aging period.
AR Code 
Accept the default of ALL to select all customers that meet the remaining criteria in the window, regardless of their AR Code. You can enter a specific AR Code to include only customers with the specified code.
Report Date 
Select the closing date for the report from the drop-down calendar. The default date is the same as the current transaction date.
Additional Filter 
Use the drop-down to select a User-Defined Field to use as a filter for the report. These fields are set up in the AR Module Preferences window. If you do not want to use a UDF as a filter, leave the default of <None>.
Display Days Back 
This field allows you to specify a date range within which to show detail. The report will always show the starting and report date balance for a customer. If this field is left with the value of 0, the report will show all the transaction detail for as far back as the customer history exists.
Customer / UDF 
Select a starting and ending customer number and/or User-Defined Field (if defined in Module Preferences) to further define the information to appear in the report. Only customers within the range selected will appear on the report. Keep the defaults of Start and End to select all customers that meet the remaining criteria in the window.
Exclude Customers with a balance of $0 as of <date> 
Select this check box to include only customers who have either a debit or credit balance as of the date indicated.
Use a custom report 
This check box is only available if you defined a custom report for this window in Controller. Select this check box if you want to run a custom report instead of the default report. The drop-down is enabled after you select the check box and you can choose the custom report you want to run. 
Published date: 11/22/2021