AR Statement Messages window
Use this window to enter and manage messages that will print on your AR customer statements. You can set up a message that can be printed on all statements, as well as messages that will automatically print depending on the aging of the account balance.
When you print the customer statements, you have the option to print the dunning messages, the alternate message, both, or neither.
Current / Period 1: through Period 4: / UseĀ 
Select the Use check box next to the messages you want print on statements. You can select all the check boxes, but only one message will print, based on the aging period (as defined by your AR Codes) of the oldest statement balance.
The Current message will print on all statements for which the oldest balance is in the current period, the Period 1 message will appear on statements with their oldest balance in Period 1, the Period 2 message will appear on statements with their oldest balance in Period 2, and so on.
Alternate (can include on any/all statements) / UseĀ 
Select the Use check box to print the alternate message on all statements, regardless of the balance or aging. You can use this message for anything from thanking your customers to announcing upcoming sales or new product/service offerings.
Published date: 11/22/2021